Web server on a 8051 microcontroller

A couple of years ago it was rather fashionable to create a web server in a microcontroller, most often in a Microchip PIC 16F84 microcontroller. The latter has been chosen because of easy programmability, I surmise. But each implementation had at leas...

Korg Monotron settings sheet

Korg Monotron is a small and, for its size, a very versatile synthesizer. If there would ever be a competition for the title My first synthesizer ever, Monotron would surely would have been placed first, as all controls are presented to the musician en...

PDQt 0.9 released

PDQt is at version 0.9 now. The GUI issue was solved. The problem lay in too many screen updates. Aside from this issue, which concerned Qtopia binaries only, the code has been cleaned up only, without changes to the rest. The Win32 binary remained unc...

BeepTimer for STM32 Primer released

BeepTimer is a successful experiment in Human-Computer Interaction. The question to test was the possibility to control a device using one acceleration sensor and one button. As already mentioned, it is possible even with OS functions intervening (long...

GraspForth on STM32 Primer released

GraspForth is a simple, portable implementation of a Forth system in C. It works every 32-bit architecture GCC compiles for. The STM32 Primer devices were introduced on this blog earlier. These systems were combined in the GraspForth on STM32 Primer pr...

PDQt 0.8 released

PDQt is at version 0.8 now. The function of the Action button was divided between the Shift button (Shift key) and the Action button (Return key). Furthermore, now PDQt recognizes circling gestures. Circling around the center of the program's scre...

PDQt 0.75 released

PDQt is at version 0.75 now. The key map was adapted for a usual computer keyboard; Space is the Play button now instead of C, Shift is the Action button instead of D et cetera. Furthermore, mouse wheel can be used now for changing values. Look into th...

PDQt 0.7 released

PDQt is at version 0.7 now. There are no visible additions or corrections on the user side. All changes were internal. You may download the new package for Cacko and maybe other Qtopia based distributions from this page. Otherwise you might want to dow...